Mission Statement :: The Goal

To Make Money Now

And More in the Future

I have worked with more than one hundred business owners and/or CEOs over the last twenty plus years. On a variety of adventures. I have started a number of businesses. Had to make payroll week in and week out. Rain or shine. The memory of buying that fifth desk, fifth file cabinet, and third Wyse terminal (two of us used PCs) will forever be etched in my mind.

In all that time, the clearest explanation that anyone ever gave for their existence was Eli Goldratt. He defiantly says that business owners should have an overriding goal or purpose, "To make money both now, and more in the future."

Yes, there are people like Steve Jobs that exceed their wildest expectation by choosing another path. However, my focus for WWW.THROUGHPUT.US is more base. Sorry if that offends you.

Yet, money alone has rarely motivated me. Until recently.

As one of the stars in the film, "Real Genius" says, "Recently, I have become aware of certain needs." I guess the passing of time can alter one's vantage point.

TPU (Throughput.US) is the result of all my adventures to date. Including the five years that I spent a great deal of time roaming the USA on a variety of motorcycles. Yet the most impactful data point was the call from Tony Rizzo.

"Hey Jeff, would you consider working your eCommerce magic on my TMx project planning tool? I want users to be able to try the tool for free, then simply purchase online quickly and painlessly if they find value."

Of course today, you know that I ultimately said, "Yes." But I said "no" first and at least on one more occasion. I did the eCommerce thing. Built multimillion dollar web sites. My eDivision.net LLC was, "The Power behind the Submit button!" I was burnt out.

But a friend in need... so I agreed.

That tiny spark sent me down a path of new adventures, that led to this creation of TPU.

And the launch, effective December 1st, 2007.

The Secret

The law of attraction is real. Untold wealth has and will continue to accrue to those that harness this law. It is not a theory. Not a wish. Not smoke and mirrors. The Purple Curve Effect is my (and Thayer Bennett's) representation of that simple truth. I often call it focus.

The Goal

  • Make Money Now
  • Make More Money in the Future
  • Make a Real and Lasting Difference in the World

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533