Action Items :: The List

Black N- Red Journals

I had to spend real money on a journal this last time... the discount (junk) store where I usually bought my ninety-nine cent journals had closed. I bought a Black N- Red. I like the unusual calendar feature inside the front cover.

Action Items

How do you make progress?

Consider the family vacation. Do you chance it? Or do you work on a list (or several lists) in order to ensure a great vacation? As insurance against forgotten medicine or swimming attire?

For TPU (WWW.THROUGHPUT.US) it is all about relationships. Once a dialog starts with a suspect, my list-making jumps into action. Even to the point of making lists of lists. Dr. Eli Goldratt suggests in "Its Not Luck" that one exercise for companies, is to make a list of the undesirable effects experienced by one's customers. What better way to reach your client, than to understandd their challenges, and offer to help them eliminate the challenges?

At TPU, our problem solving framework is big on generating lists, including lists of "Use Cases" of the various "actors" in the clients' domain. Tech-speak for capturing important details about most every facit of a consulting assignment.

It is easy to assure you that TPU will never be the "low cost provider" of a given good or service. But as Zig Ziglar asks, "Are you concerned with cost, or price?"

Not sure?

Call me.


P.S. Interestingly enough, the first entry in my current journal is from April 28, 2007. From Hilton Head Island's south end Starbucks at 9:32am (and the temperature was seventy degrees)! One list item of note: Renew lease. I did.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533