Simply Results

"So SKI, what exactly is all about?"

"Simply results."

After several months of perfecting the "art of the start" (thanks Guy Kawasaki!), WWW.THROUGHPUT.US blasted into the ether on December 1st 2007. How does one focus on the important stuff, when in the beginning, everything seems important?



Focus? Yep. I wrote "Purple Curve Effect" (PCE) to help folks like me focus on the right stuff... the "first things first" kind of stuff. You make a lot of lists. But you gotta have a goal. Did I happen to mention that I read PCE every month or so? Why? It is that good. Plus, my memory is only so good (yours too!).

Simply Results

Eli Goldratt told me that some of his best work ever, was the creation of the 4x4 Process for getting an organization to understand where it is, to properly document where it would rather be, and to create the execution plan.

During a recent visit to Las Vegas (on business), I interviewed a number of consultants on the state of the union on the 4x4. My biggest concern, was confirming (or refuting) my experiences in such knowledge transfer exercises. They did.

Things Change

If you have not yet bought (and read, more than once) my book, then I cannot help you. If you have not bought (and read more than once) H. William Dettmer's book, "Strategic Navigation" then you probably cannot help yourself. FYI: If you are not a military history buff, skip the first 26 pages.

However, if you have taken these first two steps and you would like to grow your business significantly over the next twelve (to twenty-four) months, call me.

I can help.


P.S. Did I mention that WWW.THROUGHPUT.US is all about helping you achieve YOUR goals?

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533