Unconventional Business Practices

One of the nicest compliments that anyone has ever paid me.

"SKI, your approach is unconventional to say the least."
I remember a series of advertisements in the Wall St. Journal a number of decades ago (if memory serves), that featured "head shots" of the major forces in the advertising agencies, long on copy, with praise for advertising campaigns these veterans had waged using the Journal. To great success. One of these insiders even mentioned that common wisdom held that "no one reads long copy."

Bogus. To think no one reads long copy.

Wrongheaded thinking back then. Wrong today. More wrong with each passing day.

If it is timely (to the reader) and well written, and covers a topic of significant importance, it will get read. If written somewhere that folks can readily access. Like a blog.

Like Blogger. Owned by google.

Indexed every day (maybe more than once a day?). Index by google. Yes, that google, the search engine with the keyword alert service. See where this is headed?

WWW.THROUGHPUT.US (TPU) uses blogger as its "web site" rather than a conventional web hosting approach. The blog is simply limited to displaying only one post. This gives the impression that our "home page" is being updated nearly every other day. It is.

But with a lot less effort.



Now, consider your business model. Conventional? Or not?

Thought so. When are you going to start thinking outside the box? It was easy for me, in 1998 when I launched eDivision, I could not afford a box. Or an office. So I began meeting prospects at their office. When they wanted to meet at mine, I directed them to the nearest Starbucks.

Consider writing 80% of your Starbucks habit off your tax return! Legally. Call me to discuss your business strategy.

Throughput.us LLC: "Simply Results."


P.S. For more of the story, see my interview on Ed McCullough's Talk of the Town on WHHI-TV.

P.P.S. The beach scene on Hilton Head Island is brought to you in honor of my "line in sand" post.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533