Constraints: Fact or Theory?

Constraints: Fact or Theory?

Do you experience unlimited Throughput?

One of the biggest challenges in the life of a throughput guru is battling the unseen forces at work in the mind of the prospect. Please recall that a suspect is everyone that should have a need for your goods or services. A prospect is someone that has expressed interest in one or more of your offerings.

A number of years ago I watch an unlikely team win the World Series in Major League Baseball. The Arizona Diamondbacks. After that game I wrote a short article to explain the win from my vantage point. Question: Do you appreciate how important the concept of "vantage point" is to your success? A topic for another day. I tend to digress...

Curt Schilling: Mr. November, 2001 (wikipedia)

Recently I was in a discussion with a business leader and the subject of theories came up. Again. As it should. In the scientific world, the concept of a working theory makes a lot of sense. However, that does not play well on Main Street. Most every consulting project over the last ten years started something like, "I don't care about any theories, just give me the facts!"

In November 2001, H. William Dettmer had yet to discover Colonel John Boyd. In fact, I had yet to complete my training in the Logical Thinking Process under Dettmer's cautious tutorship. But I wrote this article describing what I had observed on the ball diamond. In the light of my knowledge at that time.

Mr. November: Curt Schilling (12k PDF)

Still a great read today... especially when those Diamondbacks went in all sorts of different directions and some like Craig Counsell went on to earn at least one more World Series title and ring. Some great players spend their whole career in the hunt for such rewards and come up empty handed. Too bad about the Brewers this year, Craig. You made some great plays! But I digress...

Fast forward to 2008. Dettmer wrote and released Strategic Navigation. I wrote and released Purple Curve Effect. Chet Richards wrote and released Certain to Win.

Today, Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) has IMNSHO evolved into Constraints Management Model (CMM). By removing the phrase "theory" from a great body of work, and combining the hard work and brilliance of Colonel John Boyd, we now have a proven (thoroughly tested in every imaginable endeavor) set of tools to solve your every business challenge.

I am now a fan of Lean Six Sigma (LSS). But have found the real power (and therefore), the results available by using CMM to focus one's efforts like LSS or Deming's Total Quality Management (TQM) or as the U.S. Marine Corps calls it, Total Quality Leadership (TQL) are producing even greater results than predicted. In some cases over an 80% increase in throughput.

So, as the Prophet of old said:

"Do not despise your small beginnings."

However, do take a few minutes to understand how "best practices" evolve.

And do write me if I you would love to debate the future of Constraints Management Model.

Want to increase your Throughput? Start by reading and/or searching my web site and my blog (SKI on Throughput). Pick up one of the many books that I have reviewed and recommended. Then, when the light goes on, give me a call. I am always looking for more ways to help more people create more throughput... as Dan Ackroyd said in The Great Outdoors, "Its what I do. Its what I do!"

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah LLC
(330) 432-3533

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