The Right People

The Right People are your Greatest Assets

Stop. Hang up the phone. Close the Door.

Minutes ago I received a phone call from a client. He asked a simple question. Basically, he wanted to know if I wanted to help create another stream of income. For both of us.


I know people sitting around, reading the paper, wondering why the phones are not ringing... or wondering where the foot traffic is, that is NOT in their store... or wondering why the hits are not happening fast enough on their web site.

You need a plan. Some execution moxie. Passion.

But mostly, you need a dream. I was re-reading portions of Carly Fiorina's book (Tough Choices) this morning over my coffee, and noticed a portion where she talks about a leadership role at a new posting, where she was a bit out of her element. So she dove into the system to better understand it and discovered huge mistakes in the invoices that her department was paying each month (yes, this is an oversimplification; I needed to make the context fit the space available).

So she took action.

Are you "The Right Team Member"? Or, do you sit around and complain? Read the paper, and talk of the "good old days"?

Carly dreamed of making a difference. Everywhere she went.

I left the world of IT/IS for several reasons, but one was the fact that any gains I created in the IT/IS arena were soon lost in the scheme of the larger whole. My efforts were often wasted or made of little impact by wrong-headed thinking at higher levels in the organization. How sad.

As a business consultant, I now only work on the bigger picture (and as most of you know, I focus solely on the weakest link in every business or startup). Your "bigger picture" is much brighter when the "right" people are on board, contributing without thought of "who will get the credit?"

Consider the importance of systems thinking with regard to your cash flow. Got the right people addressing it? If not, why not?

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah LLC
(330) 432-3533

NOTE: This is a re-post from August 28, 2008. It was that good!

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