Results based Consulting

The Power of Consulting, when done correctly.

Just under six minutes and still too short!

This is a great short on the power of communicating the right message for the desired results. How important are results to your efforts?

Worth investing five minutes and fifty-five seconds?

I thought so.

In over twenty years of helping business owners reach their goals, I have yet to find a sport that is more exciting day in and day out. Sure, jumping on the vRod and blasting down to Daytona Beach is a lot of fun. But that adventure comes to and end. Business adventures should not end.

There are only better exit strategies.

How often to do you seek outside advice? If you are like most business owners (of privately held firms in the United States of America), not enough.

Sure, there is that entertaining Mike Judge film, Office Space. But compare it to this movie short about helping others to achieve their goals. If the guys you are working with are more like Bob and Bob, it is time for a change.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah LLC
(330) 432-3533

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