TMx :: Bullet Proof Project Plans

Better Project Models

What chance would a bullet have against a train?

Not much. If any. What if your problems of missed delivery dates were simply a matter of bad planning. Ed McCullough observed a group of business professionals a number of years ago, attending an Eli Goldratt session and remarked, "How much of this will they remember, come Monday?"


Learning requires a systems approach. Hence my Dynamic 4^3 Process.

But once we complete the workshop, and you have attacked the "bad multitasking" that exists in every business in America, then what?

TMx by Tony Rizzo

I challenge you to pick up the phone. I dare you. Call and just ask how profound TMx is to the folks using this tool. Once you know where you are headed (strategy and tactics), organized around the weakest link (think of a baton, as in a relay race), stopped interrupting key players on mission critical portions of their job, you are going to need TMx.

I have often asked clients the value of knowing which link in their business system will break next. Priceless is the most accurate response.

Ever get into a project, maybe six weeks gone in a twelve week project, and discover that a seemingly minor misstep in the original project model will now force a four week delay? I have. It hurts. Hurts morale. But more to the point, it delays cash from flowing into the business.

It gets worse. The project was accepted based on a profit point. A no longer valid profit point.

Who enjoys calling the customer and explaining we made a mistake, and then asking for more money? Me either.

"Everything is a Project"
—Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah

Well, if that is true, that everything can be considered a project, then you need TMx. Better yet, you can download it for a thirty day evaluation. A free evaluation. Then, if you see the value in it, you can license it for just $179 per year (price subject to change without notice, just as soon as I convince Rizzo that he is not charging enough!).

Better still, you do not need MS-Project to use it. Just MS-Excel (PC only, no Apple Mac version [yet]). But if you do have MS-Project, it integrates nicely.

SMALL PRINT: It does NOT work with Vista or Excel 2007.

Bottom line: Your projects are much too valuable to leave them to mere luck. Catch a few breaks: Download TMx today.

TMx by Tony Rizzo

It sure makes my life a lot easier. Now, you know one of my secrets for producing breakthroughs in just 90 days. It is that good.

Pick up the phone. Call me.


P.S. Any initial consultation in the USA is free. Just provide T&E.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533