Producing Project Results :: Part 2

Producing more results than otherwise possible

LinkedIn is a great tool

Yesterday, someone posted a question about projects. You know the kind, "What do I do about XYZ?" Where in this case, XYZ was along the lines that we only hit about 50% of goal. We expected to complete 100 projects this past year but only delivered on 48% of the projects.

I quickly see where this might not be much of an issue, if the people on the various projects were only paid 48% of their promised wages. If we could reduce payment on G&A expenses likewise. Leasehold and equipment payments too.

How realistic is that approach?

Yea, I did not think so either. The query went on to say how "matrixed" the organization is, and mentioned an approach that was under consideration. How sad. If this happens (by acccident) to describe your organization as well, you have my prayers.


First, let me tell a short story. Remember the "red pill, blue pill" from the movie The Matrix? That was a simple test to determine if a person wanted to know the truth. The whole (and very painful) truth, and nothing but the truth. Later in the movie, one of the main characters says, "Man, I wish I had picked the blue pill."


As Jack Nicholson told Tom Criuse, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Are you sitting down? If you want the truth (the red pill), once you know the truth, you can no longer claim ignorance. No longer will you be able to place blame everywhere but at the source. When otherwise well-meaning colleagues say, "Look over there. That is our problem." You will not be able to blindly follow along.


You will know the truth. Yes, it should set you free. But will it? Probably not. In many cases, you will attempt to explain it away. In others case, like the 80% (80/20 rule) of your peers, you will say, "That does not apply to our situation." I understand. You would be wrong, but I understand your hope that you are somehow different. Why not assume for a minute or two that it does apply?

How liberating.

How refreshing. What if the answer I am about to share is in fact your answer? What if you embraced it whole-heartedly? What if you attempted to verify (or disqualify) my assertion?

That is my simple request.

Ready? Here it comes: Eliminate bad multitasking

I have proof that 80% of the companies in America (probably the world) can double throughput of projects by attacking this simple (but not easy) challenge. Look back on our example: the goal was to accomplish 100 completed projects this year. Are you still seated?

I am telling you that you could have completed 200 projects.

With the same exact resources. Plus, those projects would have been completed on time. Within budget. With all the promised functionality. Sound too good to be true?

Then take the blue pill.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah LLC
(330) 432-3533

P.S. Remember (and never forget!) the ulimate definition of throughput: more money in your pocket now, and even more money in your pockets in the future. As the wise old sage said, "You do not know, what you do not know." I would add, "But, do you want to know?"

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